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Refreshingly Simple Sales Performance is an easy-to-use CRM that drives sales performance through goal setting, tracking, incentives and so much more.

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Refreshingly simple CRM.

Sales Goals

Ensure all team members remain aligned on team-wide and individual sales goals and performance.

Manage Leads

Assign leads to sales associates. Move prospects through the pipeline and sales stages.

Customer Data

Manage customer contacts, set reminders, save notes, proposals and purchase history.

Align your team on everything that matters.

Performance Dashboards

Sales goals, current performance and actionable insights remain clearly in focus.

Team Chat

Communication among team members can be done from right in the app.

Daily Pace Setter

Sales associates begin each day with an email summarizing their current performance relative to their goals.

Use incentives to boost sales like never before.

Sales Contests

Launch sales contests in a matter of seconds to engage your team and boost sales activity.

Performance Bonuses

Motivate your team to exceed their sales goals by offering team-wide and personalized bonus programs.

Sales reports and commission tracking.

Automated Sales Reports

Automated monthly, quarterly and annual sales reports provided to sales leaders.

Track Commissions

Save time and improve performance with automated real-time commission tracking.

Recognize great work and share appreciation.

Peer-to-Peer Recognition

Build a positive work experience with peer-to-peer recognition on great work.


Celebrate colleagues’ special day with thoughtful expressions of appreciation.

Work Anniversaries

Acknowledge team members for their continued hard work and dedication.